Monthly Archives: February 2015

And the Journey Begins

I took an important milestone this year, that is to go back to university and do the English Literature & Translation degree. Apart from that, I also signed up for a MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) platform to learn many different subjects from various reputable universities for free. Yes, FREE.

After finishing a ‘Teaching Adult Learners’ course last year with the Open Universities Australia, I’ve decided to sign up for a ‘Crafting an Effective Writer’  class with Coursera, an online learning platform designed for anybody to study specific subjects from various credible institutions without having to pursue a degree and participate in class. Participants who complete a course shall receive a digital certificate from Coursera, and if they so wish, claim another verified acknowledgment from the host university for a fee.

How is study life so far? Very enriching. Here’s why:

1. Pursue a degree for doing what you love

English has been the passion for almost thirty years of my life and the bread and butter for almost a decade now. Doing something that you love and getting an academic degree along the way would be awesome.

2. Blame it on research

You can devour all those novels and comic books in the name of research.

3. Avoid Alzheimer

They say that speaking foreign languages or studying for another degree may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer (can’t remember the reference article, if it ever matters).

It’s still premature to know whether the meager efforts I’ve put up in the last few months will bear fruit by the end of the semester, year, or even on graduation, but I’m pretty much content to realize that everything is on the right track.